Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Looking back on 24 weeks of pregnancy...

23 weeks of pregnancy down and I am quickly approaching only 16 more weeks to go. I figured this would be a good time to reflect on the past 23 weeks my belly has been growing and growing and share some often unspoken shocking facts I have learned since becoming pregnant.

Maybe I missed the memo that the Pregnant Fairy left on my pillow the night Tarzan (a.k.a. Randy) impregnated me. Or maybe these are lessons that every pregnant girl has to learn the hard way. Either way, it’s been one heck of a learning curve at times! And that’s why today I bring to you my shocking facts 23 weeks of pregnancy has taught me. So let’s dive in!

1. I pee a ridiculous amount of times per day. I pee more in a day now than I peed in an entire week all together. I'm glad we live in an apartment because I shudder to think what our water bill would be if we lived in a house. One of my bad habits is to go to the bathroom and then tell Tarzan that we are out of toilet paper. He hates it.

2. Not only is my belly growing, but so is everything else. My arms, butt, thighs, and body parts I didn’t even know I had are getting bigger by the day. This cannot be a good thing.

3. Hormones are beyond out of control. Just ask Randy.

4. I cry about everything. I cry over commercials. I cry over TV shows. I cry over seeing someone do something nice for an elderly woman at the grocery store. And I cry over the fact that I cry so much.

5. Forgetfulness flows through me like the sand through an hour glass. The days of my life can be summed up in two words: Pregnant Brain. I had something funny to also write here, but I forgot what it was.

6. Social life. What social life? That went out the window shortly after getting pregnant and I’m often asleep on the couch by 8:30 and in bed by 9:00… Friday and Saturday nights included.

7. Bitchiness. Don’t mess with me. My hormones are ready to go into battle at a moments notice… and I never lose. Really.

8. My dog (Pablo) is attached to me like a cell phone on a 15 year-old that loves to text. He must be next to me at all times now.

9. Even though I am growing a baby, I still don’t like the fact that I’m gaining weight in other spots than my stomach. Why didn’t I luck out with one of those awesome bodies that doesn’t gain weight so easily? Damn genes.

10. Google isn’t always a pregnant girl’s friend. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked something up and based on what I read I’d swear I was either going into labor or that I had a rare disease only found in red frogs in the Amazon jungle. No joke.

11. Most maternity clothes are as flattering as me wearing a Snuggie everywhere I go.

12. HEADACHES. Enough said.

13. I get out of breath doing just about anything now. Stairs? Forget about them. Show me the nearest elevator. What? No elevator? Carry me.

14. Feeling Salma kick and tumble about in my tummy is probably the BEST feeling in the entire world!

1 comment:

  1. LOL thats hilarious! I cant picture you very hormonal though.
